Monday, January 25, 2010

iPod Repeats

God has always spoken into my life through music.

If I had to dive into my entire collection and pick just three favorites, I would undoubtedly go with Jesus Culture's worship material. It's Spirit-led, carries a message of Truth, and literally draws you in to see God's Majesty and fall passionate at His feet. The listener becomes the worshiper.

Whether spending alone time with God, driving to work, blogging about what God is teaching me, or writing a message for Sunday, these three albums have become my iPod repeats - in this order:

So, if you've been wanting to find some music that will stir a desire for more of God, keeping you focused on your relationship with Him, I would strongly recommend these. Just click on the albums above for a preview.

You won't regret spending the money. Seriously.

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