Sunday, September 15, 2013

New Website

If you haven't already checked out Vertical's new website, be sure to stop by. We are doing final revisions for stage one, but it's coming along.

Thanks for your prayers and support!

Thursday, August 1, 2013

A New Season Begins

It’s hard to believe that almost three years ago, Elisa and I moved to Austin to begin a new adventure with Southwest Hills Community Church. And what an adventure it has been! We’ve seen many students come to Christ and publicly declare Him through baptism. We’ve tasted the harvest of watching “CRAVERS” sacrifice for the sake of the Kingdom by entering a lifestyle of becoming less, so He can become more in them. We’ve attended life-changing camps. We’ve seen relationships built that will last a lifetime. We’ve stood in stadiums with 7,000 other students and leaders worshiping Jesus as one voice at conferences. We’ve empowered students with opportunities to use their gifts to impact the world around them. And we’ve worked hard to reinforce the truth that every student is a missionary, and their mission field is wherever God has them today. Serving the students and families of SHCC has truly been a privilege.

A new chapter begins for us.  As many of you have now heard, God is leading Elisa and I to start a new church in Austin called Vertical Chapel. Several Sundays ago, Pastor Greg and the elders commissioned Elisa and I and our team before as we set out to venture into this new season together.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Finish Well

God continues to show me just how rare it is to see pastors finish well. Starting off with some "flare" is pretty common. It's easy to come flying out of the gate with inspiring momentum.  At first, all looks promising. But, tragically, things often take a terrible turn. 

The sobering statistic states that approximately 1,500 pastors leave the ministry every month. Simply tragic.

As I've been praying toward the "last corner" of this season of our one-year internships at GenerationNOW, I'm so grateful for my team's commitment to finish strong. With the pressures and temptations and wounds and spiritual warfare that constantly lurk around every corner, finishing well has become a steady minority. But by God's grace - by staying connected to the Vine - it is possible (John 15:5-7). These six interns behind me are a living testimony of that. And like Paul, that's something worth celebrating:
I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith (2 Timothy 4:7).   
The present and the future are deeply intertwined. How we exit a season is how we enter the next. That's simply the law of God's farm: We will reap in the next season that which we sow in the present one. By God's grace and the power of the Spirit in us, finishing well is possible. And it can and ought to be the norm. As we rely on Jesus, He will enable us to cross through the tape and finish the race strong. Our job? To keep our eyes on Him and keep running.
However, I consider my life worth nothing to me, if only I may finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me--the task of testifying to the gospel of God's grace (Acts 20:24). 
That's my prayer for my own life. For the sake of Jesus, for my wife, my kids, and my church - my greatest desire and goal of achievement is to FINISH WELL in this life.

How about you?
Are you on course to finish well?
It's a question that we must answer daily.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Zilker Baptisms

Two weeks ago, we had our annual baptism celebration at Zilker Park. It's moments like these when God reminds me - in a fresh way - of how privileged I am to be in ministry.

Hundreds of people gathered from our church. Hundreds more who were swimming in the springs paused and observed. And in the midst of the crowd, the Holy Spirit began convicting the hearts of two "spectators"  at the water's edge. They didn't even know each other, but they both inched their way closer to us. Tears filled their eyes. They wanted to know about this Savior we call Jesus. We shared the Gospel, and right there, in the midst of the people and noise and bursts of praise, they surrendered to Jesus.

Watch the VIDEO that captures it all.

Saturday, April 28, 2012

"Clear The Stage"

I'm a music fanatic. It's that simple. But specifically, I love the music God has and continues to write for the Church. The songs of God's Truth married to moving melodies and rhythms. These are sacred songs - anointed by God, and for Him. Songs that teach. Songs that cause us to come undone before Him and lead us into the inner courts of His Presence.

Every once in a while, God brings forth a song that seems extra special. A powerful movement of God that impacts His Kingdom. It awakens the Church. Resonates deep within our souls. It ignites a fire and stirs up an anthem that resounds around the world. I believe that Clear The Stage is a God-movement rising to shake the Kingdom right now.

God has moved so powerfully in my life through this song that I needed to share it. It was originally written by Ross King. Jimmy Needham has since recorded it as the title track of his newest album. He shares why in this video.

There's just something about the message that causes me to come undone before God. Still. Bare. Humble. And it clarifies my perspective - causing my eyes to fix on Jesus alone.

I'm sure God will use it to do the same in you.
You can listen to the song here.
Photograph is borrowed.

Friday, April 27, 2012

Conference Message #2

Craig Groeschel and LifeChurch.TV has been (literally) pasted all over mainstream Christianity since I can remember. Between stepping out in faith and blazing a trail to go multi site with video, speaking at major conferences, and sowing time, money and energy into producing the YouVersion Bible app to make God's Word more accessible through technology for free, it's a bit staggering how God has Pastor Craig and LifeChurch.TV to build the Kingdom. And while I haven't followed his ministry very closely, nor read many of his books, I've always had a deep appreciation for his commitment to the Great Commission. I absolutely love his desire to glorify the King and extend His Kingdom.


That's the title of the message he gave at All Access 2012. God spoke to me so powerfully through this message. In fact, after Pastor Craig was done, Pastor Robert came up and said: That was one of the best messages I have ever heard given to pastors. Every pastor needs to hear that. 

I couldn't agree more.

Monday, April 16, 2012

Conference Message #1

Without question, Pastor Robert is one of the best preachers of our day. He has become an indirect mentor to me. I listen to his teachings every morning after my quiet time with God. My wife and I do a study together based on his teachings every night. And it's still amazing to me how God revolutionized our finances (and hearts) through his book and ministry, The Blessed Life. We are nearing the corner to being completely debt-free so that we have capacity to give more freely. Honestly, it's a bit staggering how God has used someone I may never actually know personally to impact my life - as a believer, husband, father and pastor. I deeply appreciate and respect his hunger for God's Truth and Presence. And as younger pastor heading toward church planting, I'm grateful for "mentors" like Pastor Robert and ministries like Gateway Church.


That's the title of the message he gave at All Access 2012. Whether you are a pastor, church leader or volunteer, husband or wife, father or mother, this is a must-hear message. Grab your Bible, journal and pen. Take notes. God has a Word for your life today.
