Monday, April 16, 2012

Conference Message #1

Without question, Pastor Robert is one of the best preachers of our day. He has become an indirect mentor to me. I listen to his teachings every morning after my quiet time with God. My wife and I do a study together based on his teachings every night. And it's still amazing to me how God revolutionized our finances (and hearts) through his book and ministry, The Blessed Life. We are nearing the corner to being completely debt-free so that we have capacity to give more freely. Honestly, it's a bit staggering how God has used someone I may never actually know personally to impact my life - as a believer, husband, father and pastor. I deeply appreciate and respect his hunger for God's Truth and Presence. And as younger pastor heading toward church planting, I'm grateful for "mentors" like Pastor Robert and ministries like Gateway Church.


That's the title of the message he gave at All Access 2012. Whether you are a pastor, church leader or volunteer, husband or wife, father or mother, this is a must-hear message. Grab your Bible, journal and pen. Take notes. God has a Word for your life today.
