Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Conference Recap

All Access 2012 was nothing short of fantastic. And so needed.

Over the years, my conference experiences usually boil down to 2 or 3 powerful, defining moments where God did major open-heart surgery on me. And that's no small thing. But this conference was different. Really different. The Lord encountered me (literally) more times than I can recall. Even after looking back on my notes and trying to process it all, I am overwhelmed by the magnitude of how God stretched and refined my intimacy with Him. Truly overflowing.

But more than just a great conference, I found the tribe I've been looking for. ARC has always resonated with me - and God affirmed at the conference what I had been feeling. When I got home, I told Elisa, "Honey, I know ARC is the family God has given us. And we are blessed".

I can't wait for All Access 2013.
