Friday, April 27, 2012

Conference Message #2

Craig Groeschel and LifeChurch.TV has been (literally) pasted all over mainstream Christianity since I can remember. Between stepping out in faith and blazing a trail to go multi site with video, speaking at major conferences, and sowing time, money and energy into producing the YouVersion Bible app to make God's Word more accessible through technology for free, it's a bit staggering how God has Pastor Craig and LifeChurch.TV to build the Kingdom. And while I haven't followed his ministry very closely, nor read many of his books, I've always had a deep appreciation for his commitment to the Great Commission. I absolutely love his desire to glorify the King and extend His Kingdom.


That's the title of the message he gave at All Access 2012. God spoke to me so powerfully through this message. In fact, after Pastor Craig was done, Pastor Robert came up and said: That was one of the best messages I have ever heard given to pastors. Every pastor needs to hear that. 

I couldn't agree more.