Saturday, April 28, 2012

"Clear The Stage"

I'm a music fanatic. It's that simple. But specifically, I love the music God has and continues to write for the Church. The songs of God's Truth married to moving melodies and rhythms. These are sacred songs - anointed by God, and for Him. Songs that teach. Songs that cause us to come undone before Him and lead us into the inner courts of His Presence.

Every once in a while, God brings forth a song that seems extra special. A powerful movement of God that impacts His Kingdom. It awakens the Church. Resonates deep within our souls. It ignites a fire and stirs up an anthem that resounds around the world. I believe that Clear The Stage is a God-movement rising to shake the Kingdom right now.

God has moved so powerfully in my life through this song that I needed to share it. It was originally written by Ross King. Jimmy Needham has since recorded it as the title track of his newest album. He shares why in this video.

There's just something about the message that causes me to come undone before God. Still. Bare. Humble. And it clarifies my perspective - causing my eyes to fix on Jesus alone.

I'm sure God will use it to do the same in you.
You can listen to the song here.
Photograph is borrowed.