Thursday, August 1, 2013

A New Season Begins

It’s hard to believe that almost three years ago, Elisa and I moved to Austin to begin a new adventure with Southwest Hills Community Church. And what an adventure it has been! We’ve seen many students come to Christ and publicly declare Him through baptism. We’ve tasted the harvest of watching “CRAVERS” sacrifice for the sake of the Kingdom by entering a lifestyle of becoming less, so He can become more in them. We’ve attended life-changing camps. We’ve seen relationships built that will last a lifetime. We’ve stood in stadiums with 7,000 other students and leaders worshiping Jesus as one voice at conferences. We’ve empowered students with opportunities to use their gifts to impact the world around them. And we’ve worked hard to reinforce the truth that every student is a missionary, and their mission field is wherever God has them today. Serving the students and families of SHCC has truly been a privilege.

A new chapter begins for us.  As many of you have now heard, God is leading Elisa and I to start a new church in Austin called Vertical Chapel. Several Sundays ago, Pastor Greg and the elders commissioned Elisa and I and our team before as we set out to venture into this new season together.

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