Monday, February 27, 2012


I've been reading a lot of Christian books lately.

Something I always appreciate about pastor's blogs are the postings that list recommended books. I've picked up lots of books over the years that were recommended by pastors I respect. I still remember the day I grabbed Jim Cymbala's Fresh Wind, Fresh Fire off my shelf. It was recommended to me years before, but it sat collecting dust in my office until God prompted me one day through a different pastor friend to read it. When I finally picked it up off the shelf that day, my life was literally changed forever.

So, I thought I'd share my list too. This list overviews a variety of topics (and some of these books I'm still reading). But God has used each of these to stretch and refine my relationship with Him. I pray these insights would do the same for you:
  1. Unveiled by Alan Smith
  2. How To Worship A King by Zack Neese
  3. A Heart Ablaze by John Bevere
  4. Awakening Stoval Weems
  5. Bait Of Satan by John Bevere
  6. The God I Never Knew by Robert Morris
  7. The Blessed Life by Robert Morris
  8. Sun Stand Still by Steven Furtick

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