Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Seeking God First, Not Second

Need a challenge? A really big challenge? Grab a seat and spend some time meditating on Matthew 6:32-33. Then read on.
For the pagans run after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them. But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well (Matthew 6:32-33).
The term pagans was viewed very negatively in Jesus’ culture. Although it has a wide range of meaning today, in short, it's similar to heathen and mythological practices. Jesus uses pagans to describe the mentality and lifestyle of a people-group who tried to make life work for themselves. The imagery run after is like trying to chase something that's impossible. Running a race that has no finish line. Searching for something that does not exist.

Jesus then urges, But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness. Jesus is calling us to, before anything else, pursue our relationship with God, becoming more like Him. Spending time with God is our greatest privilege. But Jesus is also stating something else – that everything, our entire existence (marriage, parenting, finances, relationships, ministry, school, work, etc.) is provided out of a relationship with Christ. Not only is God the Creator of all the things we long to achieve and experience in life, He is the Source for which we receive them.

Jesus concludes His statement with all these things will be given to you as the alternative to chasing after them. Not only is it impossible to achieve a fruitful life on our own, but as we begin to focus on our relationship with Christ, and as He becomes our central focus, He gives us the things we need to live God-honoring lives. In short, it's only when we are aligned with God’s will that we are capable of managing His gifts well.

How would our lives be different if we Christ-focused? How much differently would we approach each day if we allowed God to set our rhythm? What if we decided to seek God first, not second?

These are tough questions.

Imagine if we took the time (daily) to answer them.

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