Monday, February 22, 2010

Giving It To God

Alright, I'm going public. Here's my confession.

God has been really convicting me about an area of my life that's unhealthy. Ever since college, I have struggled with weight. Zero gym time. Little exercise. Unhealthy diet.

There are moments when I'm sensitive to the Holy Spirit's stirring, and for a while, I exercise, eat a little better, and make sure I get my vitamins. But it only lasts so long and my weight fluctuates as rapidly as my commitment.

In moments of weakness, I allow my flesh control and begin to justify all the reasons it's alright to be physically unhealthy. But as persistent as my flesh is, these excuses never satisfy, and God continues to speak to me.

The truth is, I have no good excuse. God has given me everything necessary to be healthy (Philippians 4:13; 2 Corinthians 9:8).

I've always believed this. I teach it to others (often). But in this area of my life, I've been trying to lean on my own efforts. It's been on my terms. My strength. Somewhere along the line, I've separated God from it. The problem is, like any area of our lives, the Holy Spirit is essential for success (Zechariah 4:6).

This is a spiritual battle and my only hope for health - and to honor God in the process - is by yielding to and leaning hard on Him. I need to partner Him, as He leads, on His strength.

Sure, I want victory for the physical benefits. I want to give my wife my best. I want to have the energy to play with my kids after a long day. I genuinely want to shed the 35 lbs. But what underlines it all - I want victory for God's glory. I want this area of my life - like every area of my life - to honor Him (1 Corinthians 6:19-20).

So, what's my game plan?

  1. Seek God first and give Him this area of my life daily (see Matthew 6:32-34). This is a lifestyle, not a diet. I want to partner Him, as He leads, on His strength.
  2. Create some practical boundaries for accountability and support.
How about you? Is there an area of your life you still need to give up to God?

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