Friday, February 26, 2010

Thankful For The Internet

I'm so thankful for the Internet, especially when used as a tool for building God's Kingdom.

This week, over 1000 pastors gathered at GateWay Church for the Connect 2010 Conference.

As the event drew near, Twitter was chocked full of tweets from excited leaders. The anticipation was obviously building quickly, and honestly, I was getting pretty excited, too.

It was impossible for me to attend, due to this week's schedule. But I heard the conference was going to be streamed LIVE. And I'm so glad it was.

Although I was sitting in my family room - thousands of miles away from the event - it was one of the most life-changing worship experiences of my life. God spoke directly and powerfully to me.

Yes, He's always faithful to speak. But this was one of those rare moments when I sensed God was going to do a major work in my life. And He did. There was an unmistakable anointing on every speaker, worship leader and message.

Tears, conviction, praise, laughter, encouragement - these were all there. It was a messy and beautiful combination. And I found myself face down at His feet, hungry to empty myself and drink deep. It may have been in my family room, but His love has no boundaries.

I am so thankful for those three days, for the Internet, and for moments when God so graciously changes my life forever.

I hope to be there in person next year.

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