Monday, April 26, 2010

Here In Your Presence: 4.25.10

Invited into the presence of God is our greatest privilege.

But, to be honest, we all face seasons when we struggle to get there. Sometimes we don't feel hungry to spend time with God.

Why? What does that mean about our relationship with Christ?

This past Sunday, I had the chance to teach God's Word on this topic: Here In Your Presence. At the core, it wrestled with the reality of our sinful nature, Satan's objective and primary weapon, and the message God is shouting to us all.

You can listen to the Podcast HERE.

Below are a few points I shared in this message:
  • Our flesh understands that if it can keep us from being still, it can prevent us from realizing He is Lord.
  • The presence of God isn't something we necessarily approach, it's something we enter into.
  • We don't spend time with God to be loved, we're invited to spend time with Him because we are loved.
  • The problem isn't Satan's lies, it's removing ourselves from God's promises.
  • When we fail to dwell in the presence of God, we remove ourselves from our our covering, which is God's promises.
  • The time we spend with God is far more valuable than the answers we seek.
  • It's not a possibility that God will answer our cry, it's a promise.
  • Seeking God is not simply a way to understand God's plan for us, it is God's plan for us.
  • God is not a means to our purpose, He is our purpose.

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