Wednesday, January 5, 2011

2 Distinctive Moments

When we first came aboard at Southwest Hills Community Church (SHCC), there were two distinctive moments for me personally.

ONE: Our 360 Weekend was such a rewarding moment. This took place shortly after we started our new life in Austin, and I was overwhelmed by what God was doing in the life of our new church family. The vision that was cast. The people who had responded. And the creativity and labor that went into bringing the 360 set alive. It was a distinctive moment for me, and that day, I realized just how blessed I was to be a part of God's purposes for SHCC. I'm so grateful to be laboring for God's Kingdom here.

TWO: Meet The Cooper's Weekend stands alone for me. Never before have we felt as valued and loved than we did that weekend. Pastor Greg basically interviewed us with a series of questions and allowed Elisa and I to share our heartbeat for ministry and God's Kingdom.

And to top it all off, our church family overwhelmed us with gifts. They came from different directions. Different people. Different ministries. There were gift cards, food baskets, toys for the kids, invites to a night on the town, and even a Longhorns' Snuggie and hockey stick. We were literally "showered" by gifts. It felt like a celebration in our honor, and Elisa and I knew without a doubt that we had been fully received.

We love our new church family. And it's overwhelming to see and serve alongside what God is doing in our midst. And although it was difficult to uproot our life in North Carolina and step out in faith the way He had called us to, it has brought so much peace and happiness to our lives. Because we know without a doubt, this is where God wants us to be.


  1. Raleigh definitely misses you guys, but I'm SO happy to hear that God is moving and your family is being blessed in Austin :)

  2. Thanks so much, Casey. We really miss you and the whole CNX gang. I'm so glad Al has been hired and ESM will finally have someone to dedicate a good portion of each week toward the students and future growth. Please send our love to all the students/parents! Blessings!
