Wednesday, January 19, 2011

All Heaven Rejoices

I tell you that in the same way there will be more rejoicing in heaven over one sinner who repents... (Luke 15:7).

I still can't stop thinking about November 28/2010.

It was a milestone for many who stepped forward and shared with the world that Jesus saves. Forgiveness. Wholeness. New life. These people were excited to publicly declare that they had been made new in Christ, and it was a privilege to celebrate and baptize three of those people.

Jake is in middle school. And for someone so young, he shows tremendous signs of maturity in Christ. I can see God shaping a future leader in him. He has such a deep hunger for Christ and I know He has a tremendous plan for his life.

Collin is one of my student leaders. And in all my years of ministry, I have never seen a person grow in Christ so quickly. I mentor him every week and it never ceases to amaze me just how much God is transforming his life. He is completely surrendered and I'm eager to see how He uses him for His Kingdom.

Someone "Unexpected"
November 28/2010 will forever be the most special and memorable baptism celebration of my life. It was the day that I baptized Elisa - my wife. She has been a strong believer since her early teen years, and she's one of the truest examples of Christ I know. But she had never been baptized. And when God began to prompt her heart, she knew that this was a step of obedience she needed to take. It's just another reason why I respect my wife so much. Even though it would have been incredibly easy to not step out in obedience, she did.

In the face of Satan's lies.

In the face of potential embarrassment.

In the face of people viewing her differently (as a pastor's wife).

She still stepped out, and she did it believing that God would use her example to prompt the hearts of others - people of faith in Christ who hadn't yet been baptized. And God used her example to do just that. We have heard ongoing stories from people who have since felt God prompting them to step out and obey.

So, it's never too late to get baptized. Young or old, new or seasoned in your walk with Christ. Either way... ALL HEAVEN REJOICES when we respond to God's heart.

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